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Arabic Invoice

Here in a few seconds you create your account and you’re Aliphia above. No need to ask questions about how or what to click. Guide Aliphia welcomes you dice your first connection and nicely shows you how to surf between different software options. Today, I’ll explain a little features the quote. Hoping to bring you more details as possible

What is a quote Aliphia?

An estimate made ​​Aliphia is a quote that you can create from the feature “quotes” or you can enter from the customer record itself or directly on the dashboard. All means are good. Create a quote on our platform returns to do in 3 minutes. It is easy to input, fast and very convenient.

What are its characteristics?

  • Meet the development standards commonly used , it conveys a professional image of the entity you represent.
  • When entering , all customer information is transferred automatically , no need to do it manually.
  • You can also enter your products and services and save just by checking a box or by adding from stock . Thing that makes typing and sending quick quote to your customer.
  • The latter, get a URL on its mail and can respond on the field in accepting or rejecting and from any device. In record time you have your answer and you can enter your invoice from the quote itself or modify by adding a discount , tax, or creating a recurrence in the same order.
  • Of course the ability to customize is available to give you the look you want the document, download the PDF and print it if necessary.

How to organize the software?

With your list of quotes, several options are available to organize them as you see fit. Using color codes, they become easily identifiable and you can differentiate paid unpaid, sent the unsent, the rejected approved. Sort by date, customer name, by amount, by maturity …Make yourself at home!

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