Add multiple society and create user accounts to work with your team and save time and productivity. User accounts have unlimited access as administrator or limited to specific functions.

Create guests accounts for your clients

On his guest account your client can connect with his password and email to see all transactions made with you. He can accept a quote online or refuse, it also has the ability to view, download and pay online invoices. He can change or delete anything.

A user account for your salesman

The salesman account will be restricted, it could only create purchase orders. These you must accept or reject them from your account. The update will be automatic on his account.

Your sales clerk can also have their account

Your vendor can view and create quotes and invoices, but can not change them later. He can also see the registered products, edit them or add more in stock. Payment can also be viewed and added.

Create a custom user account

The administrator can add a custom user account and choose the modules and the options he wants to give it access. There will be free to activate and deactivate him his options and give it permission to access the data it wants, or to keep them confidential for him only.